Municipal Solid Waste sorting and treatment in Romania: strategies of energy recovery from two pilot case studies

In the past decade, one of the main topics analyzed in the waste management area is how to dispose of the large quantities of municipal solid waste (MSW).

Romania has to implement the European Union regulation regarding the recovery and recycle of the waste decreasing landfill as primary destination of MSW products. In this paper, possible evolutions of two preliminary scenarios, according to EU criteria, are analyzed. After the MSW sorting process, the waste to energy concept will be based on the bio-drying and pyrolysis treatment of the residual MSW and residual packaging waste. Considerations on consequence of increasing efficiency of selective collection complete the paper.

Copyright: © Wasteconsult International
Quelle: Waste-to-Resource 2011 (Mai 2011)
Seiten: 9
Preis: € 4,50
Autor: Gabriela Ionescu
Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Elena Cristina Rada
Dr.-Ing. Adrian Badea
Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Marco Ragazzi
Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Tiberiu Apostol
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