Determination of the Biological Activity of Industrial Wastes

Until today the question is unsolved, how to replace the inappropriate parameter TOC to determine the organic, or the biodegradable content respectively, of wastes for landfill-ing or stowing. The newly admitted determination of the elementary carbon content (EC) is not only difficult to perform, but also leaves certain problems unsolved, like it does not give infor-mation about non-biodegradable non-EC-organics. Therefore the UNI Stuttgart has developed a biological test for industrial wastes to be stowed underground, called TOCbio, and is currently developing another one for industrial wastes to be landfilled over ground, called RA-HW. Both new tests will allow many suitable hazardous and non hazardous industrial wastes to be dis-posed of in cheap and environmentally compatible ways. In the present article, the method of the TOCbio will be described, and exemplary results will be shown. Furthermore the first results of the RA-HW development will be presented.

In Germany both, the Landfill Ordinance and the Stowing Ordinance, allow the exceeding of the TOC limit, if the organics in the respective waste is not or hardly biodegradable. The Stowing Ordinance does not recommend a method how to prove the waste’s suitability as stowing material. The UNI Stuttgart together with a German salt mine operator has therefore developed the TOCbio-test for wastes to be stowed, in which only the biologically degradable part of the TOC is determined. The result is accepted by German authorities as replacement for the parameter TOC. The TOCbio allows differentiating between biodegradable and non-biodegradable organics. Concerning the overground hazardous waste landfill, the new Landfill Ordinance allows the replacement of the TOC by the quick and cheap RA4 test, however authorities tend not to, as the test is considered to be not "industrial waste adequate".
However, the GP21-test demanded instead is time consuming and expensive. For that reason the UNI Stuttgart is presently developing a new biotest for industrial wastes (RA-HW), whose results are to be directly comparable to the RA4 limit in the ordinance.

Copyright: © Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben
Quelle: Depotech 2010 (November 2010)
Seiten: 4
Preis: € 2,00
Autor: Matthias Rapf
Rebekka Pflantz
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