Recycling of CRT-Glass - Results of a Market Study and Future Szenarios

Electrical and electronic equipment represents with 9 million/tons/year the fastest growing waste stream in Europe. Since 2003 the WEEE-Directive (2002/96/EC) promotes reuse, recy-cling and other forms of recovery with collection targets and targets for re-use and recycling. The directive implies a producer responsibility for financing the waste management. Today most of the EOL-CRT-glass is recycled closed-loop. After the required treatment the cullet is sent to CRT-producers mainly in Middle-Asia. But the European market for CRT-appliances nearly seems closed. Worldwide, CRT-producers gave up the production within last years. Even if until today developing countries represent a market for CRT-appliances an appre-ciable decrease in the production is feared.

Presented are the results of the Case and Market Study CRT (cathode ray tube)-glass Recycling of Ecowin GmbH. Aim of the project was to investigate current sources and arisings of waste CRT-glass (tubes of waste TV and PC monitors = EOL end-of-life electronic products) in Germany and EU as well as to explore the current situation of collection, treatment and applications of CRT-glass. On the basis of the current situation, it was the aim to estimate future development of CRT-glass recycling. Therefore estimations for the German sales market as well as the recycling market were carried out. Furthermore, future applications for CRT-glass were assessed. Databases were personal communications (based on questionnaires, personal vis-its and telephone interviews), literature research and personal research. On the basis of the findings, future steps need for research and market trends are derived and discussed. The overall focus of the study is the German market, an outlook on developments in EU is given, though.

Copyright: © Lehrstuhl für Abfallverwertungstechnik und Abfallwirtschaft der Montanuniversität Leoben
Quelle: Depotech 2010 (November 2010)
Seiten: 6
Preis: € 3,00
Autor: Dr. André Michels
Prof. Dr. habil. Stefan A. Gäth
Dr.-Ing. Sven Grieger
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