The State of Garbage in America

15th Annual Nationwide Survey of Solid Waste Management in the United States.

Latest national data on MSW management - 28.5% recycled and composted, 7.4% combusted in WTE plants and 64.1% landfilled.
Biocycle is pleased to produce the State of Garbage in America Report, providing a picture on how municipal solid waste (MSW) is handled throughout the United States. For this 15th nationwide survey, which began in 1989, BioCycle continued its collaboration with Columbia University's Earth Engineering Center (EEC), relying on the methodology developed through the collaboration and initially used in the 2004 State of Garbage in America survey. The 2006 State of Garbage in America (SOG) survey conducted over the fall/winter of 2005 and 2006 collected and reports on calendar year 2004 data provided by individual states (where available).

Copyright: © WtERT USA , Columbia University, Earth Engineering Center
Quelle: Earth Engineering Center Publications (Juli 2008)
Seiten: 15
Preis: € 7,50
Autor: Phil Simmons
Nora Goldstein
Scott M. Kaufman
Prof. Nickolas J. Themelis
James Thompson
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