NOx-Reduction - State of the art and new developments

Sustainable urban development needs reliable supply ofheat and power as well as efficient waste treatment. New technologies forgenerating Energy from Waste (EfW) will be of central importance for thesolutions to these needs. In Europe, the more progressive cities are using EfW as source of energy anddistrict heating.

Theemissions from EfW plants are strictly limited by the EU Incineration Directive,which sets the limit on NOx emissions, for example, to 200 mg/m3s.The need for further improvement is reflected e.g. by new German legislationeffective as of 27 January 2009, requiring 100 mg/ m3s. In the Netherlands, there has long been a limit of 80 mg/ m3s. Othercountries are expected to follow due to the national emission ceilings of theGothenburg protocol and the concluding EU directive 2001/81/EC. On the otherhand, an increase in energy efficiency will be encouraged by the EU WasteFramework Directive. This is why there is a need for new technologies that makeit possible to reconcile both requirements: reduced emissions andincreased energy efficiency. In France, the TGAP tax is beingreduced since 2009 if NOx values of less then 80 mg/ m3s are reached in combination with a high energy efficiency.

Thepresentation describes and assess three promising EfW technologies thatcomply with these requirements:


-        SNCRtechnology with advanced control concept
(SNCR = Selective Non Catalytic NOx Reduction)

-        SNCRwith boiler integrated slip catalyst
(reduced pressure loss and no pre-heating necessary)

-        VLNsystem (Very Low NOx combustion system: "VLN gas" is drawn off at therear end of the grate and is reintroduced into the upper furnace just below theSNCR injection positions)

NOTE: This is the PDF-version of the Power Point slides shown during the presentation at WtERT-Meeting Europe 2010.

Copyright: © WtERT Germany GmbH
Quelle: WtERT Annual Meeting Europe 2010 (Oktober 2010)
Seiten: 30
Preis: € 0,00
Autor: Dr. Oliver Gohlke
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