Development of a framework of indicators for the evaluation of the environment and sustainability in the Greater Thessaloniki area

Towards optimal environmental management, a research project that aims at the development of a 'framework of indicators for the environment and sustainability of the Greater Thessaloniki Area†has been implemented by the Aristotle University Thessaloniki in collaboration with the Organisation for the Master Plan and Environmental Protection of Thessaloniki. This framework of indicators aims to support the needs of local authorities towards both assessing the state of the environment in the Greater Thessaloniki Area (GTA), as well as comparing against other areas in Greece or internationally.

It constitutes a dynamic tool that records a wide spectrum of environmental trends, while it provides an insight regarding the effectiveness of the initiatives taken towards improving the local environmental conditions. The framework of indicators can play a crucial role for local authorities in the GTA towards the configuration of policy plans and decision making. The framework is set up in order to organise the existing information, which is rather scattered and difficult to obtain. Therefore, one of the most crucial aspects for the project’s success is the substantial improvement in the way information is updated and presented to decision makers, as well as to the public. The paper aims to present the methodology adopted for the development of the framework, while providing an overview of the thematic areas covered. To facilitate the use of these indicators, factsheets have been developed for each selected indicator, one of which is presented for demonstration purposes, together with key findings.

Copyright: © Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Quelle: 2nd International Conference 2009 (Juni 2009)
Seiten: 6
Preis: € 5,00
Autor: Prof. Dr.-Ing Nicolas Moussiopoulos
Ch. Achillas
Ch. Vlachokostas
Dimitra Spiridi
K. Nikolaou
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