Double Dry Lime-based FGC: combining gas cleaning performance with increased energetic efficiency & availability

Unlike in the early days when costs of utilities, chemicals and residue disposal were overall decisive in selecting a type of Flue Gas Cleaning (FGC), at present the energetic performance of WtE-plants needs to be equally considered due to developing EU policy. Particularly in case of waste-fired Combined Heat & Power (CHP/KWK) plants, a highly
optimized energy production goes along with strongly increased revenues. The application of WtE-technology within an industrial context thus requires reliable systems that combine high energetic performance with an outstanding availability. As emissions are subject to tight regulation well functioning FGC-systems are an essential part of a WtE-plant to help securing the continuous supply of steam, heat and/or electricity to site-surrounding consumers.

1. Introduction
2. Optimizing boiler-FGC interface
3. Monitoring SO2-dewpoint corrosion
4. Improving energetic perfomance
5. Keppel Seghers all-dry FGC
6. Greater Manchester (Runcorn, UK)
7. Conclusion
8. Literature

Copyright: © Texocon GbR
Quelle: 7. Potsdamer Fachtagung 25.-26.02.2010 (Februar 2010)
Seiten: 7
Preis: € 3,50
Autor: Dr. ir. Johan De Greef
Dr. ir. Kenneth Villani
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