Potential for energy generation in Greece by combustion of asreceived or pre-processed (RDF/SRF) municipal solid wastes

The European Union Landfill Directive (1999/31 EC) requires reducing the amount of wastes landfilled by means of recycling, composting and energy recovery. Accordingly, the member states are gradually adopting Waste-to-Energy (WTE) and also mechanical-biological treatment (MBT) methods for the recovery of energy and materials from municipal solid wastes (MSW).

WTE facilities can combust either as-received MSW (stoker or 'mass burn†technology) or pre-processed 'refuse-derived†fuels (RDF or SRF) equipped with adequate Air Pollution Control (APC) systems. The latter have higher calorific values and can be used both in dedicated WTE plants and as fuel substitutes in cement kilns and coal-fired power plants. This paper examines the energy generation potential, focusing on electricity, of the application of the mass burn and the RDF/SRF options for managing post-recycling MSW in Greece, in the light of experience gained in E.U. and the U.S., and the National Plan for Waste Management of the Ministry of Environment.

Copyright: © Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Quelle: 2nd International Conference 2009 (Juni 2009)
Seiten: 6
Preis: € 5,00
Autor: Prof. Dr. Constantinos S. Psomopoulos
Prof. Nickolas J. Themelis
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