Prediction of nitrate leaching under different climatic and nitrogen management scenarios

Prediction of nitrate leaching by using dynamic simulation under different climatic and crop management scenarios is useful in designation strategies to reach agronomic and environmental goals. Nitrate leaching from maize and winter wheat stands on layered sandy and loam soil profiles was studied by simulation, using the Swedish Coupled heat and mass transfer model for soil-plantatmosphere systems (CoupModel).

According to the results the nitrate accumulation level may reach the -600 cm groundwater level even in the first year in sandy soil. In loam profile an insignificant part of the applied nitrogen is transferred to the -600 cm depth by the end of the 5-year period, if the rates of downward movement of nitrate and crop N withdrawal are comparable to each other. In soils with slow water transport a higher N fertilizer use reduces leaching loss via promoting N uptake due to enhanced growth by deep rooting crops with high acquisition efficiency.

Copyright: © Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Quelle: 2nd International Conference 2009 (Juni 2009)
Seiten: 6
Preis: € 5,00
Autor: R. Végh
Dr. György Füleky
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