Use of composted communal sewage sludge in agriculture

The increasing ratio of wastewater cleaning results in an increase in the amount of sewage sludge. The environmentally sound utilization of this sludge is an unsolved problem both in Hungary and around the world (Gardner, 1998).

There are some trials for the utilization and/or neutralization of the arising sewage sludge, e.g. burning (Metcalf and Eddy, 1985), transfer into the seas and the oceans (Odzuck, 1987), agricultural transfer and recycling, transfer to lands to be under rehabilitation and recultivation (Vermes, 1998). The aim of our work was to study the possibilities of the application of composted communal sewage sludge as a nutrient supply in crop production. The experiment was established in spring, 2003 at the Research Centre of CASE of University of Debrecen, at the town of Nyíregyháza, located in the NE part of Hungary. This region is composed of different types of sandy soil. We used some additives such as bentonite, rhyolite and wheat straw, because these materials have good effects on light textured sandy soils, especially co-composting them with organic material. Our compost fills the requirements of the Agricultural Ministry Order of 36/2006 (V.18.). The compost was applied at 9, 18, 27 t ha-1 doses, ploughed into the 0- 30 cm soil layer before sowing. We have studied the effect of the applied compost on cereal grain and pulse crops, as
well as on corn, potato and cabbage crops in field plot experiments with six replications.
The observed parameters are the followings:
• the development of plants,
• colours of plants,
• the intensity of plant growth,
• the quantity of the yield,
• toxic elements content,
• presence of human pathogenic organisms

Copyright: © European Compost Network ECN e.V.
Quelle: Orbit 2008 (Oktober 2008)
Seiten: 7
Preis: € 7,00
Autor: Attila Tomócsik
Marianna Makádi
J. Mészáros
Gy. Tóth
Árpád Márton
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