Most landfills contain organic wastes which produce biogas, containing methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Emission of CH4 from landfills is a serious environmental problem and is explicitly mentioned as a source for greenhouse gasses in the EU Sixth Environmental Action Plan. In the US as well as in Europe, one of the the largest anthropogenic CH4 emission originates from decomposition of waste in landfills making up 22-25% of the total anthropogenic CH4 emission. (USEPA, 2006; EEA, 2006).

A tracer method was successfully used for quantification of the whole methane (CH4) emission from Fakse landfill. By using two different tracers the emission from different sections of the landfill could be quantified. Furthermore, is was possible to determine the emissions from local on site sources; a composting facility and a sewage sludge storage unit by scaling the tracer method down. Two field campaigns were performed; during October 11-12, 2006 and February 19-20, 2007. At both field campaigns an overall leak search showed that the CH4 emission from the old landfill section was localized to the leachate collection wells and some slope areas. The average CH4 emission from the old landfill section was estimated to be 31.2±6.8 kg CH4 h-1 in October 2006 and 30.5±2.2 kg CH4 h-1 in February 2007, whereas the source at the new section was quantified to be 12.2±3.3 and 7.3±2.2 kg CH4 h-1 in the October respectively February measurement. The CH4 emission from the compost area was 0.5 kg CH4 h- 1, whereas the carbon dioxide (CO2) flux and nitrous oxide (N2O) was quantified to be in the order of 332 kg CO2 h-1 and 0.06 kg N2O h-1 respectively. The sludge pit located west of the compost material was quantified to have an emission of 2.4 kg h-1 CH4, and 0.03 kg h-1 N2O.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: Specialized Session F (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 9
Preis: € 9,00
Autor: Charlotte Scheutz
Jecker Samuelsson
Anders Fredenslund
P: Kjeldsen
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