The landfill Halle-Lochau is located in a closed surface mining. After the ending of the currently operated measures to lower the groundwater table the landfill will be completely below the resulting groundwater table and therefore totally floated. The therefore necessary rehabilitation concept for the landfill Halle-Lochau was elaborated within a research project, supported by the federal republic of Germany. The target was to find a cost efficient and technique viable solution, which also fits the requirements of the environment protection and the sustainability for the closure, maintenance, recultivation and after use of the landfill. The important point is that the presented result of the research project is a concept for the rehabilitation and closure of subaquatic landfills without doing any unaffordable landfill mining actions.

Landfills below the water table can be created if at landfill sites during operation the groundwater level is lowered artificially. Typical example for that is a landfill in a open-cut mining area. At the presented landfill Halle-Lochau the landfill body will be totally under the resulting water table if the water lowering is stopped. A landfill mining project is not affordable as the landfill Halle-Lochau is quite large. Therefore in a research program a concept for a sustainable closure was developed. Resulting from the geohydrological situation of an artesian groundwater, elements of the closure concept are a reduction of the pollution output of the landfill body using stabilization methods before ending the groundwater lowering and several measures before and after the increase of the watertable to influence the quality and quantity of the pollution output. This includes a controlling strategy using a pond (lake) which comes into existing nearby the landfill. This gives additionally the possibility using various measures for further pollution reduction directly in the lake.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: Specialized Session F (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 10,00
Autor: Prof. Dr.-Ing Gerhard Rettenberger
Martina Rapthel
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