According to Reinhart et al. (2002), the “bioreactor landfill attempts to control, monitor and optimise the waste stabilisation process rather than simply contain the waste as prescribed by most regulations”. Leachate addition has been demonstrated repeatedly to have a stimulating effect on methanogenesis (Barlaz et al., 1990). Homogenous spatial distribution of moisture content is indentified as one of the major challenges to run a landfill as a bioreactor (Rosqvist, 2005).

One of the major challenges to run a landfill as a bioreactor with leachate recirculation is to insure homogeneous moisture distribution and movement through the waste. Parameters such as the radius of influence and leachate pathway are crucial to design the recirculation system (size, vertical and horizontal spacing) and determine a recirculation strategy (flow rate, frequency…). Today, there is no consensus on a cost effective, non destructive and reliable monitoring method that could be used on this purpose. On an R&D bioreactor landfill (VES landfill of Bouqueval, France) Veolia Environmental Services Research Centre has put in place two monitoring methodologies which can allow determining leachate pathways at a full scale. The first one is based on ERT (Electrical resistivity tomography). The second one is a new approach, based on the use of lysimeter chambers. Whereas the resistivity measurement is more a qualitative methodology, the lysimeter chambers could enable to measure a flux of leachate per surface unit, depending on the distance from the recirculation system. The set up of both monitoring equipments on a same injection system will allow evaluating the consistency of the two methods, and the drawbacks and advantages of each. This comparison is made at full scale, on several injection points, to assess the impact of waste heterogeneity within a landfill cell on leachate pathway, and consequently to test the representativeness of each equipment.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: Specialized Session F (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 8
Preis: € 8,00
Autor: Marie-Amélie Marcoux
Rana Adib
Thomas Lagier
Jean-Pierre Gourc
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