The objective of the current project was to determine the gas generation, composition, emission, and oxidation in top covers on selected waste cells as well as the total methane emission from AV Miljø, which is a modern waste disposal site recieving waste with a low organic content.
The investigations focused particularly on three waste disposal cells containing shredder waste (cell 1.5.1), mixed industrial waste (cell 2.2.2), and mixed combustible waste (cell 1.3). Laboratory experiments as well as gas modeling showed that signigificant gas generation was occurring in all three cells. Field analysis showed an unexpected gas composition in the shredder waste consisting of methane but no carbon dioxide. Setting up total methane mass balances from three individual waste cells showed that a significant part (between 15% to 67%) of the methane generated in cell 1.3 and 2.2.2 was emitted through leachate collection wells, as a result of the relatively impermeable covers in place at these two cells preventing vertical migration of the gas. At cell 1.5.1, the methane emission through the leachate system was low due to the high gas permeability of the shredder waste. Instead the gas was emitted through the waste resulting in some hotspot observations on the shredder surface with higher emission rates. The remaining gas that was not emitted through surfaces or the leachate collection system could potentially be oxidized as the measured oxidation capacity exceeded the emission rate. The whole methane emission from the disposal site was found to be 793 ± 188 kg CH4 d-1. The total emission rate through the leachate collection system at AV Miljø was found to be 211 kg CH4 d-1. This showed that approximately ¼ of the emitted gas was emitted through the leachate collections system making the leachate collection system an important source controlling the overall gas migration from the site. The emission pathway for the remaining part of the gas was more uncertain, but emission from open cells where waste is being disposed of or being excavated for incineration, or from horizontal leachate drainage pipes placed in permeable gravel layers in the bottom of empty cells was likely.
Copyright: | © IWWG International Waste Working Group |
Quelle: | General Session B (Oktober 2007) |
Seiten: | 10 |
Preis: | € 10,00 |
Autor: | Charlotte Scheutz Anders Fredenslund Jonas Nedenskov P: Kjeldsen |
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