During the autumn and winter months huge amounts of dead Poseidonia oceanica are washed up onto the coast each year. The latter is an aquatic marine plant, often commonly termed seaweed, which grows on the seabed meadows in spring and summer, shedding its long linear leaves, having turned from their original green colour to brown, in the autumn. Tons of these leaves are washed up by the waves on the shoreline. The layers of this seaweed along the shore at times reach the height of two metres, often being mixed with relevant amounts of sand.

Seaweed is usually removed in the spring prior to the arrival of holidaymakers on the beaches by manual and (more often) mechanical means and transferred to an external land deposit, generally municipal landfills. In doing so a significant amount of beach sediments (mixed with the seaweed) is removed and subtracted from the beach system as illustrated in Figure 1. Furthermore, the higher cost of disposing of the material, priced by weight and not by volume, should be emphasised; the weight of sand is nine times that of seaweed! The "Costa Smeralda" in Sardinia is a Consortium created nearly forty years ago to transform a formerly wild and isolated coast into a world-class tourist destination. It occupies the northeast corner of the island. Besides its fashionable resorts, the "Costa Smeralda" has a truly breathtaking natural environment, with some of the clearest waters and most beautiful beaches throughout the entire Mediterranean.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: Workshop H (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 3
Preis: € 3,00
Autor: Raffaello Cossu
R. Persico
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