Energy is fundamental for life and the development of the society. The global energy request is satisfied from fossil fuels which are currently used as primary energy source and found economic convenience for transport and production of energy for industrial and house requests. Emerging scientific evidences are proving climate change effects from the use of fossil fuels caused by the emissions of COx, NOx, SOx, CxHx, dust and ash, produced during combustion processes and released in atmosphere. Hydrogen is receiving higher interest to avoid fossil fuels consumption and climate changing. It cannot be considered as a primary energy source but it could be transported, stored and used like other primary energy sources.

The development of a sustainable society requires reduction of dependency on fossil fuels and of the amount of pollution generated from human activities. The treatment of solid waste and of wastewater is an area in which these two goals can be simultaneously achieved. Biological Hydrogen Production is an interesting opportunity to produce hydrogen from renewable source, at low costs and sustainable environmental impacts. Hydrogen can be considered a clean energy source, compatible with electrochemical and combustion processes for the conversion to other energy forms, without production of carbon dioxide. The present research work has been set up to evaluate the potential biological hydrogen production from organic waste. Two types of sludge have been used as inoculum: granular sludge from an UASB digester and anaerobic sludge from an anaerobic digester of zootechics wastes, both heat pre-treated. The substrates used during experiments were glucose and the organic fraction of municipal solid waste.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: Workshop H (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 13
Preis: € 13,00
Autor: L. Alibardi
E. Cassetta
G. Manoli
Raffaello Cossu
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