Use of scrap vehicle tyres as landfill drainage media instead of aggregate is considered to be both environmentally and economically beneficial. Several research projects have confirmed the suitability of tyres as landfill drainage media under heavy overburden loads present at the base of landfills e.g. Hudson et al. (2003), Warith et al. (2004), Reddy and Marella (2001), Hudson et al (accepted), Beaven et al (accepted). However these tests are usually conducted for short periods of time using water or methanogenic leachate and consequently do not take into account the clogging of drainage layers with chemically and biologically mediated deposits that occur during the operational lifetime of a landfill e.g. Fleming and Rowe (2004), Paksy et al. (1995).

In recent years there has been much interest worldwide in using scrap vehicle tyres instead of aggregates as landfill drainage media. However, there remains a major uncertainty regarding the susceptibility of drainage layers formed of tyre shreds to biological and chemical clogging in relation to conventional aggregates. These deposits may accumulate within the pore spaces of the drainage layer, reducing its effectiveness. The University of Southampton is conducting tests to investigate the susceptibility of landfill drainage layers formed of shredded tyres and baled tyres to biological and chemical clogging in typical UK landfill conditions. Several test cells containing tyre bale, tyre shred and aggregate samples have been installed on a landfill site and a continuous fresh supply of established methanogenic leachate is being pumped through each test cell. The preliminary findings from the first 6 months operation are presented in this paper.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: Workshop G (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 11
Preis: € 11,00
Autor: A.P. Hudson
Dr Richard Beaven
Keith Knox
Prof. William Powrie
D.J. Smallman
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