The multiphase nature of a landfill and the influence of physical, chemical, and biological factors upon degradation introduce significant complications. The former introduces spatial variability into the problem and the latter makes application of standard chemical kinetic theory highly unreliable. The action of the bacteria within a site is a primary mechanism regulating their temperature, chemical composition, and physical structure (i.e., the saturation, permeability, and density) and factors, in turn, determine the viability of the many microbial species present.

Biodegradation is subject to a variety of hydrological, physical, and biochemical processes. Major physical processes include konvection, diffusion, and hydrodynamic dispersion, and key biochemical processes are aqueous complexation, precipitation/dissolution, sorption, redox reactions, and microbial reactions. Currently, prediction of long-term emissision behaviour and waste stabalization in landfills often fails due to insufficient knowledge of correlative physical, chemical, and biological processes. Very often, the prediction of landfill gas is overestimated compared to measurement data. Sometimes production rates of landfill gas are observed to approach low values though high organic carbon content is still present. As a hypothesis, the influence of inhibiting factors preventing further degradation should be taken into account and implemented into a model. This paper provides an overview on existing model approaches for anaerobic degradation processes and discusses requirements of further development and ways to refine mechanistic model´s accuracy.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: Workshop G (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 16
Preis: € 16,00
Autor: Dr. rer.-nat. Andreas Haarstrick
I. Völkerding
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