Detection of microorganisms in compost using the compochip microarray

The aim of this work was to design and develop a microarray (COMPOCHIP) to test for the presence of different bacteria in compost samples, and then to apply the COMPOCHIP microarray to 3 different composts at various maturation stages (2, 8 and 16 weeks).

Composting is an aerobic process by which organic materials are degraded through the activities of successive groups of microorganisms (Dees and Ghiorse, 2001). This naturally occurring and environmentally sound process for the disposal of waste products is gaining worldwide popularity and is of considerable economic importance. An efficient and satisfactory composting process is dependent on the presence of a high microbial diversity (Beffa et al., 1996), however, relatively little is known about the microorganisms involved, and their exact activities in the different phases of the composting process (Riddech et al., 2002). The use of molecular biology tools has resulted in a rapid increase in knowledge on the diversity and dynamics of the microbial communities of compost (Schloss et al., 2003, 2005; Tiquia, 2005; Alfreider et al., 2001), however, the tools to rapidly obtain an insight into the activities of microbes in a particular stage of the process are still lacking. Nucleic acid microarrays, or  oligonucleotide microchips, represent one of the most recent advances in molecular technologies, allowing a high-throughput format for the parallel detection of 16S rRNA genes from an environmental sample (Bodrossy and Sessitsch, 2004). Microarray technology offers the possibility to analyse an entire array of microorganisms, concerning their presence or absence in a particular environmental sample in a single experiment. Microarrays can allow the parallel detection of up to several thousand microbial strains, species, genera or higher taxonomic groups in a single experiment (Loy et al., 2002; Peplies et al., 2003). In this study, we describe the application of the 16S rRNA-gene based COMPOCHIP microarray for the detection of different microbial communities in compost.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: Venice Conference 2006 (November 2006)
Seiten: 4
Preis: € 4,00
Autor: I. Franke-Whittle
B. Knapp
J. Fuchs
R. Kaufmann
H. Insam
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