Since 2003, the french radioactive waste agency ANDRA is responsible for the site for the storage of very low level nuclear waste, located in the Aube, in France. This kind of disposal facility requires a lot of precautionary measures. To ensure the radioactive waste containment, the confinement of the capping cover of the storage cells is obtained by the association of a compacted clay layer and a geomembrane (Camp et al., 2005). The cross section of the barrier is presented on the Figure 2. Due to the structure of the capping system, there is a risk of damage of the geomembrane due to the compaction of the overlying clay layer. So, compaction energy has to be relatively weak not to damage this one.

The behaviour of the cover barrier of a site for storing nuclear waste of very low activity is studied. Two main risks of damage of the sealing of the barrier are studied: the risk linked to a bending of the clay layer and the risk linked to the desiccation of the clay layer. For the first one, large scale field bending tests are performed to model clay bending in case of differential settlements within underlying waste. Implementation conditions during the tests are as close as possible to the actual site conditions. Influence of the water content is studied. Initialization and propagation of cracks are studied. The limit value of the extension strain of the clay layer without cracking is characterized. For the second risk, undisturbed samples are submitted to desiccation before to compression test to study the desiccation phenomena and its influence on the clay behaviour. The main aim is to optimize the use of clay as landfill cover, in terms of conditions of implementation (water content, compaction energy).

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: Specialized Session E (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 10,00
Autor: Sophie Camp
Jean-Pierre Gourc
Olivier Ple
A. Marchiol
C. Round
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