In the light of increasing demand for dumping space and fewer available sites, Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW) and associated wastes (industrial/commercial wastes) are progressively receiving more attention with regard to their treatment prior to landfilling (through sorting, shredding, humidification) and their placement methods (layer thickness, compactor weight, number of passes) with the purpose of increasing the storage capacity of existing / future sanitary landfills.

The paper presents the results of a laboratory testing of shredded waste subject to one-dimensional compression (up to 130 kPa) in a 1 m3 instrumented cell, with the focus on the hydro-bio-mechanical behaviour of the material under conditions of confinement that replicate those found in real-scale landfills. The functioning of the apparatus together with the testing methodology and the monitoring programme conducted over a 2 years incubation period are presented in details. Series of drainage tests conducted at various levels of compression made possible the assessment of the hydraulic conductivity, the drainage porosity and the waterholding capacity of the material. Consolidation data is also reported with regard to both shortterm and long-term settlements. Lastly, the global mass balance carried out over the complete duration of the test indicates 21.4 % loss of dry matter whereas the Biochemical Methane Potential was reduced by 52 % and the Total Organic Carbon by 25.9 %.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: Specialized Session E (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 12
Preis: € 12,00
Autor: Dr Franck Olivier
Marie-Amélie Marcoux
Jean-Pierre Gourc
Sandro Lemos Machado
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