Nowadays, one of the greatest problems in Third World countries is the inadequate disposal of urban and industrial solid waste on the ground, with severe environmental effects. After the closure of solid residues landfills, a coverage system must be applied to avoid problems, such as residue exposure, excessive increase in the production of lixiviate, migration of gases, etc. In Brazil, the most frequently used system is the conventional one, with a soil layer with plastic and low permeability characteristics, compacted directly over the waste mass. This work aims at investigating the coverage placement with the addition of bentonite to the soil to make it an active layer and to control and/or avoid fissures that impair the quality of coverage behavior.

The contamination of the soil and water can be minimized or avoided by means of a system to waterproof the bottom and to cover the landfill. The coverage waterproofing prevents the penetration of rainwater, which leads to a decrease in the lixiviated and gas volume produced in the landfill. The waterproofing of the bottom is intended to prevent the penetration of the lixiviated volume into the soil and underground water. This work presents results of studies of water percolation in landfills of solid waste. To do so, an analysis was made on the coverage layer used in the landfill of Nova Iguaçu, Brazil, considering the use of permagel (type of bentonite) in the mixture with the soil, observing its effects in the permeability and in the formation of fissures resulting from dry-out. The geotechnical features of the employed soil – a silt, clay-like sand – are described here, as well as several relevant information like the characteristic curve. Such characteristics are presented with and without the mixture of different percentages of permagel.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: Specialized Session E (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 11
Preis: € 11,00
Autor: K. Huse
P.P.F. Gouvêa
Prof. Dr. Sc. Claudio Fernando Mahler
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