Land disposal of solid waste has changed dramatically over the last ten years. There are many new approaches to manage landfills because the “dry tomb” approach which leaves landfilled wastes in potentially polluting state for many generations is not sustainable. Indeed optimal moisture is required for biological degradation. Municipal solid waste landfills can be operating as bioreactor which consists to accelerate waste degradation by circulating fluids through the waste in a controlled manner. One of the main uncertainties concerning the practicality of operating a landfill as a bioreactor is the control of fluids flows and of the water content of waste. The hydraulic permeability (leachate), the gas permeability (biogas) and the retention properties of the waste govern the ease with which fluids may be introduced into and extracted from the landfill.

Domestic waste (MSW) can be considered as a gradually changing porous medium. This paper reports tests of a new type on a waste sample in order to get correlations between mechanical and hydraulic properties. Compression tests coupled with gas permeability tests have been made on waste sample taken from a hole drilled in a French landfill. The apparatus used for these tests is an oedo-permeameter developed in Lirigm-LTHE. In a second part, the oedo-permeameter cell has been modified to carry out retention tests on a waste sample under compression. These tests allow to get water retention curve and to assess pores volumetric distribution of the waste.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: Specialized Session E (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 8
Preis: € 8,00
Autor: Guillaume Soltz
Jean-Pierre Gourc
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