Odorous emissions are among the most frequent environmental pollution incidents reported to regulatory authorities. These complaints originate as a result of a wide variety of industries and operations including agriculture, livestock farming, food processing, rendering plants, chemical manufacturers, wastewater treatment, and landfills. Odorous emissions may strongly affect residents’ quality of life. The reactions can vary from emotional stresses to physical symptoms like headaches, respiratory problems, or nausea. Reasons for increasing odour-related problems are the expanding residential development near traditionally agricultural and industrial areas and an increase in sensitivity and demand of the general public for a clean and pleasant environment.

For sustainable odour abatement, a general and systematic approach towards an extensive odour management is needed. The developed odour control management strategy includes all necessary steps from assessing the odour problem on site of an emitter, a characterisation of all relevant sources to the final technical solution. The newly developed database plays a central role in this odour abatement strategy. It provides wide range of information on odour related topics and helps in identifying odorous compounds and finding adequate treatment methods for odour emissions. This article describes the structure of this database, including all the information that are given, and gives an example for a possible way to use it with regard to an oil and fat refinery.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: Specialized Session D (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 10,00
Autor: Mirko Schlegelmilch
Kim Karen Kleeberg
Dr.-Ing. Jan Streese-Kleeberg
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Stegmann
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