Though landfilling is often seen as the least preferable waste management option in ecological terms (see, e.g., ERIKSSON et al., 2005), it is very likely that landfills will continue to play a crucial role as final (or intermediate) sinks of our anthropogenic metabolism (BRUNNER, 2004) “for the foreseeable future” (ALLEN, 2001, p. 4; BUTT & ODUYEMI, 2003). The continuing importance of landfills in waste management is critical with respect to at least two prerequisites of the guiding concept of sustainable development (SD), intra-generative and inter-generative equity.

Understanding the potential of landfills to support or hinder sustainable development is crucial when approaching sustainable waste management. In this paper we present the procedure and the preliminary results of the development and implementation of a nationwide landfill rating system that is based on a systemic assessment approach called sustainability potential analysis (SPA). This transdisciplinary project, which includes both intensive expert interviews (N = 21), as well as a questionnaire survey (N = 23) and field studies (assessment of 16 landfills), resulted in a rating system that seems to be (i) applicable to rating different landfill types using the same method; (ii) capable of assigning clearly differentiated and purposeful quality ratings to different landfills; and (iii) feasible for practical application.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: Specialized Session D (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 11
Preis: € 11,00
Autor: Dr. Daniel J. Lang
Prof. Dr. Roland W. Scholz
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