Coastal environments have always been strategic locations for the social and economic development of every country. Hence coasts are continuously monitored in order to contain the unavoidable of anthropic activities effects on the delicate equilibrium of marine environments. These checks are particularly important in dock areas which are the core-points for all marine activities such as the transit of large commercial and passenger ships, large and small fishing boats and all the industrial and commercial activities typical of port areas.

This work describes the analysis to assess the chemical (heavy metal concentrations, leaching test and PAH content) and physical-mechanical characteristics (water content and sedimentation rate) of marine sediments dredged in a harbour zone, in an industrialized environment of the Southern Italy. The analyzed sediments showed a high content of lead and cadmium (respectively 100 and 6.2 mg/kg of dried sediment) compared to the limits permitted by Italian and European law (30 and 0.3 mg/kg of dried sediment, DM 367/2003); the concentration of other metals such as chromium, nickel and arsenic, and the PAH do not exceed the statutory limits. The heavy metal content of these sediments has been compared to those found in the literature for similar European and worldwide harbour areas. The physical characterization was aimed to assess the sedimentation rate of these sediments in order to make suitable basin for the storage or the treatment of the sediment after their dredging.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: Specialized Session D (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 10,00
Autor: Emanuele Lategano
Prof. Ing. Francesco Lombardi
Prof. Ing. Renato Gavasci
A. Chiusolo
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