Methane gas (CH4) is generated by a variety of anthropogenic and natural sources, and it is considered one of the gases that most contribute to the global climate change. Its power to retain heat is 23 times higher than that of carbon dioxide (Prentice, 2001), and its time in the atmosphere extends to approximately 12 years (IPCC, 2006). According to IPCC (2006), it is estimated that almost half of the global emissions of CH4 are related to anthropogenic activities, and that 20% of all CH4 released comes from the treatment and disposal of residues and leachate. Among the anthropogenic activities that release significant amounts of CH4 into the atmosphere, we can mention residue landfills, petrol and natural gas exploitation systems, agricultural activities, coal mining, livestock raising (enteric fermentation), and biomass burn. Natural sources that release CH4 include swamps, glaciers, and oceans.

Due to the major disasters recently occurred because of global warming, studies intended to minimize the release of polluting gases into the atmosphere are matter of global interest. This study is intended analyze a covering layer meant to oxidize methane (CH4), which is considered one of the strongest potentially triggering greenhouse effect gases. In this sense, covering layers have been studied both on site and in laboratories, using organic compost done by solid urban residues (RSU) and combinations of this compost with a soil-specific bentonit (BES), and/or a soil with plastic characteristics. This article provides a description of the first steps of the survey.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: Specialized Session C (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 10,00
Autor: J.L. Rose
P.P.F. Gouvêa
Prof. Dr. Sc. Claudio Fernando Mahler
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