Technical Cooperation in environmental engineering between the Federal Government of Mexico and the Federal Government of Germany has been going on for more than fifteen years. One of the current assistance projects is a four year program, called “Environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources”. This program contains a component, called “Environmental information system and monitoring”. It is managed by a working group that consists of members of the Mexican Ministry for the Environment (SEMARNAT, see abbreviations) and of local and international experts.

Technical Cooperation in environmental engineering between the Federal Government of Mexico and the Federal Government of Germany is engaged in a four year program that contains a component, called "Environmental information system and monitoring". One of the three action lines deals with the realisation of an integrated information system for waste flow and emission monitoring for a pilot sector of industry which is the production of electrical energy. Existing data bases and other relevant information had to be integrated into a web-based information system, that facilitates and accelerates information exchange between different sections and levels of the environmental administration in Mexico. After three months of working experience with the Intranet version of the platform, the results are shown, conclusions on futher steps of the project are made and proposals for the further enlargement of the platform are discussed.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: Specialized Session C (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 10
Preis: € 10,00
Autor: C.D. Tejeda Honstein
Ing. Hugo Lana Fonseca
Maricruz Rodrigues Gallegos
Dipl. Ing. Angelika Stöcklein
Dr. Karl-Heinz Striegel
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