The main message from this work is that the characterization leaching tests developed for waste and soil are adequate for a wider range of materials. In addition, geochemical modelling provides a sound basis for development of chemical speciation fingerprints for materials. Long term release assessment of the leaching behaviour of a variety of materials can be performed based on standard leaching tests in combination with geochemical modelling. (Session A5: Waste characterisation)

In the last decade major changes in waste management policy have occurred, in which recycling and reuse of waste are becoming more important every year. This has already led to significant reductions in disposed waste in some countries. Although in several cases beneficial use of materials previously disposed is technically feasible and economically attractive, such activities do require a proper understanding of the environmental consequences in both short and long term. For this purpose, test methods and a good insight in release controlling mechanisms and controlling factors is needed. Harmonisation of test methods(van der Sloot et al., 1997) and horizontal standardisation (i.e. methods applicable across different fields) are progressing (van der Sloot and Eikelboom, 2003). It is more and more realized that single step tests are absolutely inadequate to properly address the questions about the long term effects of waste management decisions (Kosson et al, 2002). In this paper, some aspects of testing and modelling across matrices relevant for landfilling, waste treatment and recycling are addressed.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: General Session A (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 12
Preis: € 12,00
Autor: Dr Hans A. Van der Sloot
O. Hjelmar
David S. Kosson
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