Drivers and barriers for the application of waste-to-energy technologies in Greece

In EU, it seems that Waste to Energy (WTE) concepts either in the form of direct incineration of MSW or in the form of thermal utilization of secondary fuels (RDF or SRF) are strongly preferred as a mean to fulfil the targets that have been set for biodegradable waste management. Currently approximately 50 million tones of waste are thermally treated each year in about 400 Waste to Energy Plans (WEPs) in Europe (Stengler E., 2005). Greece is one of the few MS that does not incorporate thermal treatment in waste management systems. The aim of this paper is to outline the main barriers and drivers for WTE concepts in Greece taking into account the experiences gained from the preparation of two regional waste management facilities in Western Macedonia and Achaia Prefecture. (Session A3: Impact of regulations and legislations)

Although there is uniform waste management legislation throughout European Union, the implementation of it depends strongly on local conditions and technical, financial and human resources. Greece is one of the few countries of EU that do not incorporate thermal
treatment in their waste management systems. The aim of this paper is to outline the main barriers and drivers for WtE concepts in Greece taking into account the experiences gained from the preparation of two regional waste management facilities in Western Macedonia and Achaia Prefecture. The short review of the case-studies will be followed by an outline and discussion of the national waste drivers and barriers for WtE technologies.

Copyright: © IWWG International Waste Working Group
Quelle: General Session A (Oktober 2007)
Seiten: 13
Preis: € 13,00
Autor: Antonis Mavropoulos
S. Skoulaxinou
Anna Karkazi
Andreas Mentzis
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