Approval of JI and CDM Projects with Germany as Host and Investor Country – An Analysis of the German Project Mechanisms Act

Over the past 30 years, global temperatures have risen continuously by around 0.2°C per decade; the ten warmest years on record have occurred since 1990. Since the discovery of this trend, there has been considerable debate over whether climate change can be attributed to human activities. Although arguments are made against human induced climate change, most scientists nowadays ascribe global warming to an increase in greenhouse gases (GHG) caused by human activities.

To tackle global warming, the United Nations (UN) developed a global regime committing countries to stabilize or reduce their GHG emissions at a level. In order to meet these reduction obligations, countries are not solely limited to taking domestic action. They can meet these demands in part through international mechanisms such as “Joint Implementation” (JI) and the “Clean Development Mechanism” (CDM). These “projectbased flexible mechanisms” provide the possibility of reaching reduction targets through project activities abroad. These reductions can then be counted towards a country’s domestic reduction commitment.

Copyright: © Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
Quelle: Issue 2/2007 (November 2007)
Seiten: 13
Preis: € 16,00
Autor: Dr. Markus Appel
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