Hochlauf der Wasserstoffwirtschaft

Überblick über und Diskussion der Maßnahmen zum beschleunigten Ausbau
der Wasserstoffinfrastruktur in Deutschland

The complete reduction of (net) GHG emissions by 2045 will not be possible without the use of hydrogen. As a key decarbonization option in various sectors, hydrogen will play an important role in the future energy system. This, however, requires a rapid ramp-up of the overall hydrogen economy. Due to slow and delayed decision-making processes and missing clear regulatory boundary conditions in recent years, the need to act to develop a hydrogen infrastructure has even grown. This transformation process has to take place in a coordinated way along the entire hydrogen value chain, taking also an expansion of production and import capacities as well as the introduction of various end-use applications into account.
In this context, the German 'core network†for hydrogen, planned to be developed between 2025 and 2032, is a pivotal element for a successful energy transition in Germany. This article outlines, howpolicymakers and legislators in Germany intend to enable this building block through national (hydrogen) strategies and changes in the regulatory framework. The implemented and proposedmeasures to accelerate the ramp-up are focussing on both, the planning and the approval processes. In addition, they cover various stages of the hydrogen supply chain.

Dr. Jennifer Arnold und Christopher Kutz

Copyright: © Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
Quelle: EurUp 03/2024 (August 2024)
Seiten: 19
Preis: € 32,00
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