Meeresschutz und Klimawandel

Zum Gutachten des Internationalen Seegerichtshofs im Fall 'Climate Change and International Law'

On 21 May 2024, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) rendered its advisory opinion in the case 'Request for an Advisory Opinion submitted by the Commission of Small Island States on Climate Change and International Lawâ€. This advisory opinion brings to an end the first proceedings that were initiated at an intergovernmental level, in which an international judicial mechanism has been used to compel the international community to take more stringent environmental protection measures in order to help achieve the global temperature  goals of the Paris Agreement. This article presents key elements of the landmark advisory opinion and provides an initial assessment. It pays particular attention to the interplay between the international lawof the sea and international climate change law, the legal nature of State obligations to protect and preserve the marine environment in relation to the deleterious effects that result, or are likely to result, from climate change, and the relevance of climate science for compliance with these obligations.

Copyright: © Lexxion Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
Quelle: EurUp 02/2024 (Juni 2024)
Seiten: 13
Preis: € 32,00
Autor: Prof. Dr. Alexander Proelß
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